All in Good Spirits by Nora Balboa

My name is Elena Ingstrom and I am twenty-two years old, but this story isn’t actually about me, so that’s not important.  That being said, there are still a few things I should tell you about myself so that the rest of this story makes sense.

First off, I’m dead.  I died on June 17th, 2015.  Don’t worry about that, though, because that’s all in the past and I’m over it.  The point of my telling you this is that you need to understand that I’m a bona fide ghost.  I walk unseen amongst the living and move through walls and all of that nonsense you learn from horror movies.  All of that unfinished business crap is true, too, but I already made peace with my mom and forgave my best friend for being a dick and everything else.  Again, this story is not about me.

This story is about a seventeen-year-old brat named Jenna Marsh who got hit by a bus.  Continue reading “All in Good Spirits by Nora Balboa”